This page contains communications used to promote Commencement to family and friends near and far.
Sent Emails
Sent to graduates, as well as parent and families who sign up at commencement updates.
- May 26, 2017: Wrap up email
- May 5, 2017: Reminder email
- April 4, 2017: Speaker announcement
- February 13, 2017: Initial email
- August 24, 2016: Save the date
A save the date postcard (.pdf) was mailed to the home addresses of undergraduate seniors at the end of August.
In addition, articles were submitted in Class of 2017 editions of the Family Ties Newsletters.
Commencement provides an opportunity to highlight the accomplishments of our newest graduates and the excitement around our celebration, foster pride in the Washington University community and tell our story. This spring, we were able to build momentum and engage with our graduates and their families and friends, both near and far.
The links below contain high quality photos from 2016 Commencement and the Chancellor’s Dinner. (You may be asked to log in using your WUSTL Key before accessing the photos.) Please refer to the “Using Photography” section (pages 52-55) of the Communications Resource within the Public Affairs website for guidelines.
Build pride. Celebrate accomplishments. Foster and energize community. Honor tradition. In an effort to unify conversations and build momentum, we ask that all social media partners use the hashtag #WashU17 in social posts related to Commencement and graduating students.
Develop your strategies early. Social media leads for schools should schedule time with Cassaundra Sigaran, director of new media strategy, to go over your plans and strategies.
Looking for GIFs to use? Check out the WashU Giphy page. We’ve also provided an InDesign Facebook Photo Template (.zip) document for schools and partners to use.
As reference, we’ve provided a guide to Social Media Guidelines (.pdf) for 2016.
PROMOTIONAL SLIDES: The promo slides congratulate graduating students and promotes the official university social media hastag (#WashU17)