Senior honorary Mortar Board inspires young writers

Improv troupe Suspicious of Whistlers (above) was one of many campus performance groups to act out stories written by Buder Elementary students at the second annual Young Storytellers Festival, hosted by Washington University senior honorary Mortar Board.

Fun to Spare

Robert Landis, a senior in Arts & Sciences, participates in the Danforth University Center’s first-ever human bowling tournament Feb. 21.

Schmidt brings ‘listening ear’ to his writing

John Schmidt, a senior in Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, is the white playwright behind Black Anthology. In past productions, Schmidt has tackled profiling, post-racial politics, bias within the black community and the insidious ways prejudice persists on college campuses.

Reflecting on how experiences can shape dreams

Connie Shao

In everyone’s life there are pivotal moments that could change the future, but whether or not they do depends on recognizing their meaning and value.

Research sparks empathy

Esther Barker

Esther Barker, a financial accounting assistant in radiation oncology at the Washington University School of Medicine, has no plans to switch careers now that she has earned a history degree from University College in Arts & Sciences.